Originally posted by Beth E:
Did we select what our number is for our list? Is it 4 or 5? Hell, I gotta get a move on. So far this list was just sports figures. Now I gotta find men in the "general" world to pick from.

I'll get back to you.
You don't have to make a list Bethie, just because I did. It is not "THE LIST" if you don't already have it specifically made out before hand. You gonna just throw one together???? I think after I saw Unfaithful - Oliver got added which put Rob Thomas a notch down. How could I forget about the Moose?

Pictures in my office: Karros, Montana, Young, Matheny and Moose.

That is a pretty good list there. But the Mormon thing sure would get in the way of MY good time with Stevie.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....