Ok ladies, I finally visited this thread. I gotta say I don't think I really belong. Not a Jeter, A-Rod, Manu fan. Sorry!!!

I tend to be a little geeky and particular about the guys I stalk - er, I mean - like. I dont go for just the pretty boys, I like the chemistry. Everyone here knows I adore Eric Karros and simply because he would play here in Albuquerque when he was in injury rehab and I had a few chance encounters with him.

So anyway, after the restraining order I still love him from afar. The ONLY man I would ever leave my husband for with no explanation. Mister Buffy knows this as well

Guess the best looking guy in baseball to me right now - and someone I have liked for years (my #2 guy) - is someone you never see because his face is always covered by a mask.

I have a larger print of this in my office, next to my pics and autographed memoribilia of Joe Montana, Steve Young and Karros:

Mike Matheny
(now with the SF Giants... )
My type to a "T"

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....