Originally posted by Letizia B.:
I yell at the TV too!! Only at the Lakers, though. Especially when they're being idiots... I "coach" them from my house.
Well, I yell most at my 'Stros (I suppose I "coach" them too...lol), but I've yelled at the Rockets, Spurs...so on. Actually, sometimes, I give them pep talks. I've done that at live games, too, for the Astros. I had to calm Brad Lidge down because, um, he was getting nervous. And I pray.

I did some homework for you.
Aw, thanks, Zia. I'll be sure to check that out!

She picked the wrong time to mess with you!!
Exactly! I had to bite my tongue, but I didn't say anything. She just doesn't understand.

By the way, how do you like Manu's hair better, long or short? It's a tough call for me... they both look good on him. Short looked more comfortable though, for the amount of sweating that they do out there.
Well, if I can be selfish, I'm going to say long. I always think guys should be comfortable more so than trying to impress gals (a guy like Manu doesn't have to try!), but if this is the ladies' fantasy thread (which it is! ), I'll admit I love him with long hair. The way it just flows, and this sounds nasty, but throughout the game, it gradually gets wetter with sweat, until at the end, it's just all stringy in his face; but he still looks good! And the way he brushes it back with his hand all the time...eek!

Edit: Oh, awesome videos! I watched 'em all! The one you mentioned was awesome. It almost gave me chills seeing it the first time, so I can just imagine how you feel! And you know what? He does the same thing my guy T-Mac does after he gets a shot; as all the guys are hugging him and everything, he just keeps his arms straight down...