I was having a jolly good time looking through those pictures to find the "best butt" one, so you might be seeing more.

I would've loved to have seen SNL back then instead of the crap they put on now. I watched some old Steve Martin skits on a video my parents have, which were very funny (King Tut, the two brothers..."two wild and crazy guys!"), but I don't think I've ever gotten to see a Blues Brothers one. I can see what you mean about the sequel, though. If you ever get a chance to listen to some of the music (downloading, soundtrack, or something), I'd at least recommend that.

You know, Dan Aykroyd was on Leno just a few days ago. I caught a bit, and my mom told me the rest of a funny story he was telling. He said that when they were filming the mall scene in the original, they were shooting in the middle of the night, like around 3:00 AM. Anyway, he said they were finally ready to shoot when they realized Belushi was nowhere to be found. Dan started looking around the stores and through the mall, then he finally stepped out in the parking lot and eventually made his way into a nearby neighborhood. One house had a light on, so just by instinct, he knocked on the door, introduced himself, and explained the situation. The person that answered said, "Are you looking for John? He came in a while ago, raided the fridge, and now he's asleep on the couch." Dan said that's just the way John was. I wish I'd caught all of it, but Dan said some really nice things about John.

Well, I woke up this morning to hear my dad replaying the good music scenes from Blues Brothers 2000, so we watched some of those again, and I had to bring out the original. I just started it, but I think I'll be watching it on and off throughout the day...

Oh, here's a picture of the mural that my dad painted in our garage: