Good to hear you like Blues Brothers, too! I always feel like my family members are the only ones who have seen it, because none of my friends have ever even heard of it! That is so cool about your car. I went on a Band trip to LA last year, and at one of the theme park places we went to (trying to remember...I think Universal Studios), they had the Bluesmobile displayed! I don't know if it was involved in any way with the movie or just the same car made to look like it, but it was really cool. I took two pictures of it...maybe some time I could scan them and post 'em here. My dad even painted a mural of Jake and Elwood on our garage wall, and my 2 year old cousin can now say "Blues Brothers" due to this and watching the movie. We still say "rollers" when we see a cop car on the street. My God, it's just the coolest movie! Have you seen 2000? It really doesn't even come close to the original in comparison, but it's a pretty good movie just by itself. They re-do a lot of the parts in the original, but I think it's better they did that than completely new things. My mom said it well today when she was explaining to my grandpa that John Belushi wasn't in this one because he passed away and they had to make it without him; she said they needed three people to replace him (because Elwood has Buster, the kid, as well as John Goodman as Mighty Mack and Cab Chaimberlain all as his new partners). They have Aretha, still, as well as all the band members. Sadly, Cab Calloway passed away for real, as well. One scene in the "Battle of the Bands" has a lot of famous people, so that's cool. It's definitely not the same. But it's not terrible.