On the field where the logos are you'll see "University of Maryland". That's us..haha...which is University of Maryland Medical System. Actually, the long brick warehouse you see in the back, (where the Cal Ripkin 2131 sign hung at), up to 5 years ago I actually worked in that building. Although that building stretches past where the stadium is, so the entrance where I worked at was actuall beyond the gates. So I could never sneak in for a free game. The hospital I work at is not quite tall enough to be seen past the other buildings, but you'll see buildings that I look at every day.

It's like 97 degrees out, with the heat index around 110. If you watch the game, I'm sure you'll see alot of people fainting..haha. I wouldn't put up with that kind of agony even for Vinny.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.