Mike Vitar/Benny the Jet

From imdb.com:

"Birth name - Michael Anthony Vitar

Mike Vitar started acting at the age of 12 when a casting manager spotted him in line for a ride at a school carnival.

Has an older brother Pablo, and an older sister Elizabeth

He and older brother Pablo played the same character (at different ages) in "The Sandlot."

Where are they now - (June 2002) Firefighter in Hollywood"

I guess Pablo played him in the end, on the Dodgers? Cool! And he's a firefighter? Wow.

Here's the mian page on him, with the other movies he's been in.

Good Picture Page
It has him in Sandlot, Mighty Ducks, then "Just Mike" alone. Maybe the JM pics are older?

Gorgeous eyes!!!

Okay. I can tell why I like him. For one thing, anything pertaining to baseball in a guy's interests makes him twice as attractive to me. If he plays ball (and can play good!), likes baseball, is a baseball fan, etc., so Mike as Benny is very attractive to me.

Another reason (which might be why I like his younger pics better) is because he seems like the "guy down the street" that I only can dream lived near me. I just imagine how awesome it would be if my cousins, brother, and I still went out every night to play ball like we used to (in our empty lot...just with grass, not sand), and he was our neighbor and came and played with us, too. I guess this is more admiration of Benny than Mike (unless he's the same), but how I would love to play under the fireworks on the Fourth of July and have him out there on the field with us, being good friends, just like they are on the movie. *sigh* I'll keep waiting for him to show up on my doorstep with a glove, asking me to play.