True, without Zambrano the already depleted staff will take a hit, but with the payroll planned to rise with Pinella, I think the Cubs will be active in getting more starters. And that's what they need - when they have good starting pitching, they were a game away from going to the World Series...when they don't, they're in the basement.

And don't doubt A-Rod's wanting to leave - his career will rot and die here the longer he stays. The boos have shaken him, and he wants out. Boras can see that. If A-Rod stays in New York, he'll be a lame outcast, an undesirable. He needs a fresh start, and the Yankees need a new first baseman...Graig Nettles part 2.

If A-Rod goes to anybody, it will be for starting pitching and a blue-chip prospect. It has to be. The Yankees will be taking on all of that salary, and should get quite a bit in return...which is why the Yanks wanted from the White Sox McCarthy or Buehrle/Garcia and their star 3rd base prospect from Chicago's AAA team...and that seems fair...A-Rod and cash for 2 players.