Rumour Mill

  • New Chicago Cubs coach Lou Pinella came with a catch - he wants the team to be in full pursuit of a trade that would reunite him with Alex Rodriguez, whom he coached under Seattle and still has a good working relationship with.


The best deal I can see coming out of this would be Aramis Ramirez (who is a good-if-not-great 3B, but he is a bit like A-Rod at the hot corner with suspect fielding on occasion) and a starting pitcher...but who would they want that can stay healthy? Not Wood or Prior. Maybe Carlos Zambrano - I'd take that.

Its a hard choice between the White Sox or the Cubs, but Crede lacked the offensive numbers this season, so I'd take the Cubs deal...although with McCarthy being a budding star (thanks DS - I hadn't followed the White Sox closely this year ) it may still be an option. Then again, we may also look at Cesar Izturis, who would bring speed and fielding but a drop off in power (obviously).

All in all, I'm glad to hear that there are some deals in the works despite the professed solidarity from Cashman and A-Rod.

Now if we could just get a deal with the Cardinals for Pujols... :p