Hi, all. This is my first post to this board, but I'm a longtime Godfather aficianado.

The weekend that the original GF chronology was shown on TV I was on my honeymoon on Paradise Island (of all places). There wasn't a TV to be found on the island, as the focus of GOING to PI is to gamble, that I never saw it. And I STILL haven't seen the whole thing.

But I've seen bits and pieces of some of the edited stuff. It shows up from time to time on TV (though NOT in the VHS trilogy my son bought me for Christmas two weeks ago).

I wish they hadn't edited the stuff out. I just saw the GF on Bravo! recently, and a lot of the edited footage made it -- including the scene where the four of them (including Tom) and the Don visit Genco in the hospital right before he dies, and Michael -- with his military hat on -- stares his father in the face and walks away. Great scene -- and it is the first indication that Michael has that cold, steely will that made him a far less benevolent Don than his father was.

There's also a cut scene, before the modern Michael scenes in Godfather II get going (as opposed to the young Vito scenes) where someone goes into a pizza parlor in Buffalo and kills Fabrizio -- the bodyguard who betrayed Michael in Sicily. Does anyone remember that?

"Leave the gun. Take the cannolis."