Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Given the injuries this year, given the lack of pitching, given the fact that they had the most overused bullpen in baseball, the fact that he's managed to guide them to the division championship again and again is just outstanding. I'd like to see any other manager in baseball do it.

When the Red Sox lost Manny, Big Papi, Varitek and Shilling to the DL, everybody cried and said, Well how can you expect them not to crash and burn? However, when the Yankees lost Sheffield, Matsui, Cano, and, albeit briefly, Mussina to the DL, everyone said, Tough, find a way to win anyway. And Joe Torre did.
But none of those injuries or shortcomings of the Yankees were expected to be problems. This team steamrolled into the playoffs with the best record in the league, and looked like the Kansas City Royals. It doesn't matter whether Joe Torre has guided them to the Divisional Series every year for the past how long...when's the last time they've gotten to the World Series?

Torre had a glut of talent to work with, and both he and his team couldn't get the job done. I've outlined what I think went wrong with this team, and while I don't think it's entirely Torre's fault, he should certainly share his brunt of the blame.