Apparently, Derek Jeter was one of the major Yankee organization people that called Papa George and told him that Torre needs to stay. I've criticized Jeter in the past, even if he's got an arguable AL MVP year, but at least he's using his muscle to keep Papa George in check(though Brian Cashman being another major voice does help).

What's with this "motivation" shit? These guys are PAID to play. They're PAID to win. They're PAID to be "motivated".

Besides, did Torre mishandle a ball like A-Rod did? Did Torre leap and barely missed a ground ball like Jeter did? Did Torre blew a game like the Unit did? Better yet, did Torre blow that umpire call on A-Rod/Pudge at 3rd?

I thought it was hilarious during Torre's press conference that while the Yanks haven't won a title since 2000, Torre made a point that before he came in, the Yanks hadn't won a title since the 1970s.

But yeah, next season will be his last, which then Papa George could then hire Pinella or whatever manager(maybe Mattingly or Leo Maz) that fits his fancy. However, the next manager of the Yankees in the 2008 season must use Torre's one great attribute in relations to Papa George: Tolerance. Really, I don't think I could take George's shit for 11 years.