Originally posted by Irishman12:
I really cannot belive the amount of members in here who wish to see Torre gone from the Yankees. Glad to see where your loyalties lie (that is, for you few Yankees fans in here) What more did you want the man to do other than beat Detroit? He can't get on the field and do it for them!
No, but he can try to prepare and motivate his players, which he didn't do. The team was going through the motions, and had no will, no fire to win.

And that I do blame the manager for.

The Yankees, since they are keeping Torre it seems (according to the NY Post), now need to focus on trading A-Rod and getting their starting pitching in order, as well as figuring out the 1st base situation.

BTW - Anyone read yesterday's USA Today? Glad to see Sheff and Giambi throw Torre under the bus, saying that because he demoted A-Rod in the order they felt bad and it ruined the team chemistry.

Wow, get out on the field, you fucking tards. Sheffield decided to have surgery since he knew he wasn't probably coming back next year and basically abandoned the team for most of the season, and Giambi is a steriod-head who we should move while we can still get good trade value for him.

And let's not get indignant, I12...don't act as if you've been standing behind every Yankee decision this entire season, and we've been bastardizing this thread.