WTF do Yank fans still cling to that non-sense about him being traded to Florida?

The Marlins' owner is a cheap-bastard. If he wasn't willing to re-sign Pudge Rodriguez, who thinks he would pony up, no matter how much the Yankees eat up, to pay for such an expensive white horse like A-Rod. Really Irishman, get your head out of the gutter.

I'm not surprised that "George" will fire/force Torre out of the job.

One thing I'll criticize baseball fans when they say that anyone could win with a $200 million payroll....if so, how come the Red Sox missed this year's playoffs? Why did the Dodgers miss the playoffs for many seasons despite being over $100 million? Chicago White Sox anyone?

Besides, in a time when parity has come into baseball's Championships, we haven't had repeat champs since that 4 titles out of 5 seasons by....Torre's Yankees. I mean, to simply throw away the fact that he and his staff pulled that feat off in the last 10 years, is incredible to fanthom...much less three titles in a row.

"Several Yankees players told that they would be surprised to see Torre go.

"That's pretty drastic," outfielder Johnny Damon was quoted as saying by the Web site. "Joe has been awesome. You never know what's going to happen, but I think Joe should be safe. For all he's done and had to put up with, he's been incredible."

Cashman dismissed the idea of either Torre or Rodriguez leaving, telling, "Why wouldn't they be coming back? That's not something that I'm even thinking about." "

Besides, Pinella is a bad fit for the Yankees. He's never gotten along with management, and I see that he would last only a season with George before Papa George fires him. Torre's best ability to stay for 11 years with the Yankees