Originally posted by goombah:
If Steinbrenner fires Torre, a manager who won 4 titles in a 5 year span, then say hello to mediocrity. It's not Joe's fault that A-Rod chokes in the playoffs and can't field his position; it's not Joe's fault that Randy Johnson is on the last legs of his career; it's not the manager's fault that Giambi isn't the same player because he is no longer juiced up; Torre didn't sign a hack like Jaret Wright to a 4 year deal. Nearly all of the Yankees shortcoming can be attributed to a meddling owner who thinks he can 3 things: owner, GM, and manager. Go for it, a-hole.

As a Yankee hater, I hope that Steinbrenner does make this move. But he would be an absolute fool to do so.
And yet, with a team full of all-stars, the Yankees failed to get past the first round, and not the first time either.

Time for a change.