Originally posted by goombah:
[quote]Originally posted by Tony Mosrite:
[b] I don't see how anyone can think Jeter should win the AL MVP award. if it was the "Best Player Award" he could win, although he wouldn't be my pick. now, as for Most [b]Valuable
Player, that just can't be him. not with another dozen of all starts in his team. [/b]
Can you at least name someone you think should win the MVP instead of who should not? The MVP almost always goes to a player who helped his team get to the postseason. So Ortiz is out - I couldn't see giving it to a DH anyway. The same goes for Hafner - he was having a great year before the broken wrist in Sept, but Pronk does not play the field. [/b][/quote]yes, I can. if I had to pick the AL Most Valuable Players of 2006, I'd go with Justin Morneau. the guy had triple crown numbers and helped his team make the playoffs in the tightest race of the MLB, against the former World champions and a team that had built a huge division lead. and he's not even a star or anything, just like his teammates. as for "DH's shouldn't get the MVP award", I have to say: I don't see any logic there. maybe if the award was "Most Valuable Player Who Plays a Position Role". I remember last year when there was the A-Rod or Ortiz MVP talk, I read somewhere that Rafael Palmeiro once won the 1st base Gold Glove award playing 21 games at 1st and more than 100 at DH. so they're giving the Gold Glove to a DH, but not the MVP award???

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk