Originally posted by goombah:
[quote]Originally posted by Tony Mosrite:
[b] I don't see how anyone can think Jeter should win the AL MVP award. if it was the "Best Player Award" he could win, although he wouldn't be my pick. now, as for Most [b]Valuable
Player, that just can't be him. not with another dozen of all starts in his team. [/b]
Can you at least name someone you think should win the MVP instead of who should not? The MVP almost always goes to a player who helped his team get to the postseason. [/b][/quote]I don't think that your team HAS to make the play-offs, but it helps if your team was a play-off contender. As such, your games, plays, at bats, pitches, etc. are meaningful to your team.

If we disqualify players, whose teams are 20 games out of it because their games aren't meaningful, should we not consider or limit the importance of those games of players whose teams are 20 games ahead? Similarly, while we may preclude a KC Royal because his team's games were apparently meaningless, down the stretch they played the Twins, White Sox and Tigers. Those games were meaningful even though KC wasn't going anywhere.

Anyway, for reasons stated above, I tip my hat to Jeter, but would give the award to Morneau.