My heart says the World Series will be the A's vs. the Padres. My head says it will be the Yankees vs. the Dodgers.

The Mets do not have the starting pitching - they are not going to bash their opponents to death like they did in the regular season. Sure, they can in a 5 game series, but it's not happening in a 7 game series. Detroit and St. Louis are falling apart at the seams.

I don't think Minnesota has the horses to hold off NY. I don't think the Yanks are a lock esp. given their question marks in the rotation. Mussina has not really won too many big playoff games, Johnson is not healthy, and they will have to rely on Jaret Wright in a 7 game series. None of which really instills fear into an opponent. That said, if their pitchers keep the games close, the hitting should take over. I hope A-Rod chokes again and the fans are all over him. Here' hoping there are still several bases-loaded, 2 out strikeouts left in A-Rod and a few mulitple erro games as well.

Definitely mark me down on the "hate" side of the ledger regarding the Yankees.