I love your simplicity, Irish. What would we do without you?
First off, the Yankees have since the 1930s been the "team" of New York City. Even with the Rangers winning the cup in 1994, or the Knicks' success in the 1970s, the Yankees winning or losing have moved the city. Titles bring joy, losing years bring disapointment. Besides, the Giants and Jets haven't played within the state of New York in years, decades....they friggin play in New Jersey!

Besides, look at NYC right now. The Rangers made the playoffs last year, but their ownership is basically Steinbrenner, but without the titles to shield them from being called "idiots". The Knicks have become such a joke, it will take years, if not a decade, before they ever return to playoff contention. Save for the Mets' isolating good year of 2006 so far, what else does New York City have?

Anyway, your Papa George works for money too. The difference between him and other owners, for better or for worse, is that he's impulsive. Over a decade of playoff series, and currently the longest-active division title consecutive streak in baseball? Oh nice. No World Series titles in 6 years? YOU'RE FIRED!

The problem with Loaria, you're about right. After 2003, if he had been willing to spend some cash and actually hungry for more major success, the Marlins would keep more fans in their stands.

The other side though Irish, which you brilliantly haven't researched at all, is that Dolphins Stadium SUCKS for baseball. It's hard to drive too, its another football stadium convertedly, awkwardly, for baseball, and so on. REally, if the Marlins can fucking get that new stadium in Miami, thus a commitment between the franchise and South Florida for the Fish to stay in Miami, and if Loaria is willing to spend the darn cash, and quit doing stupid shit, then the MARLINS would have a good stable attendence rate.

If anything, we Marlins fans do understand Orioles fans. We both fanbases have to deal with an asshole of an owner that won't spend the cash, is more worried about the profit margins, and worse, doesn't seem to give a shit.

I mean God, the Marlins get a surprisingly strong manager in former Yankee hero Joe Giradi, who takes an expected 100-loss club, and his reward for being a candidate for NL Manager of the Year? A pink-slip. :rolleyes:

So Irish, will your Papa George fire Uncle Joey Torre if he fails to get another title?