Originally posted by fathersson:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b] No if they don't win it this year they should resign Sheffield and try to grab Barry Zito off the free-agent market and try again next year.

And getting back to ronnie's question, yes, losing Randy Johnson is a bigger loss to the Yankees than lossing Pedro is to the Mets.
Right, That is why so many people think that the system is so off whack. When does it stop? If they don't make it, then go out and BUY the fix. They have the money.
Other teams don't have the large market or if they don't make it, so the fans don't show. Then the money flow stops so they clear out their big stars because they need to make a profit for their stock holders/owners.[/b][/quote]And as always I pose the question, how many titles have the Yankees won since 2000? If the answer is none (which it is BTW), what are you complaining about? Look at when Chicago, Florida and the Angels won it. Very few people probably picked them to go all the way and they did just that. Sure a big payroll full of superstars makes it easier to win, but as the last 5 years have proven, the men on the field still have to get the job done themselves!

Originally posted by fathersson:
And getting back to Ronnie's question Irish. What, no reason for your answer? A die hard fan like you should be given us all kinds of reasons.
Well as DJ already pointed out, much of the Mets success this year has been without Pedro (so the guys who have filled in for him have had more experience in that role). Now it's playoff time and Unit might not be available, it's not the same thing to throw Jaret Wright, Corey Lidle, etc. into a Game 3 (on the road no less) and tell them to win it. TOTALLY different set of circumstances.