Funny enough, the Yankees have been replenished for a good part by some of their farm guys, like Cano and Wang. If anything, the Yankees need to get out of that "Buy" mentality and actually invest much more into their once rich and plentiful farm system. I mean, where did Derek Jeter come from? Bernie Williams?

Anyway, Fatersson is right. Buying Barry Bonds or Barry Zito from the Bay Area aren't the answer. I know many Yankees fans are anxious to win another title, but half-ass methods is really a major reason why the Yanks haven't won shit since 2000.

The baseball system is indeed out of whack. You're correct again Fathersson. If anything, MLB needs to adopt a salary cap. Why has the NFL as a corporate organization has overtaken MLB as America's prefered pasttime and sport to watch?

Consider last year with the Union/League feud that almost lead to a lock-out in the NFL. If that had happened with MLB, Selig and MLPA would rather drink piss then compromise. Instead, Tagliabue was able to convince several of the major franchise owners(like old school Lamar Hunt of the Kansas City Cheifs) to take a necessary hit to their own pockets, for the sake of the league. I mean, its a good logical argument. Would one club rather lose say $10 million, or $100 million, if the season was partially or fully cancelled?

As for why the YAnks have dominated for decades, here are three reasons:

(1) Babe Ruth. People forget that until the Babe's headline arrival to NYC from Boston in that era's version of "Free Agency", the New York Giants under Jim McGraw ruled that town in wins and popularity. With the Babe as the anchor, and collecting players over time(best example, Lou "Iron Horse" Gehrig), the Yankees overtook the Giants, and have ruled the city pretty much since then. Several dominating World Series-championship seasons sorta help as well.

(2) 1940s to the 1960s, the Yanks got unbelievable amount of farm talent from lower clubs like the Kansas City Royals. While Kansas City was open to having over-the-hill veteran players, the Yanks got rich prospects oh mighty. Mantle and Maris anyone?

(3) George Steinbrenner and company. I hate Steinbrenner personally, an egotiastical, arrogant bastard that displays such rage and emotions over logic(hire/fire Billy Martin three times, almost whacking Torre in 2005, firing Yogi Berra after 10 games). However, he's a whore. He'll suck a room full of cocks to get a title. He would pawn off his legs as well. He has the resources to waste/spend as much money as he sees fit in order to win titles. REally, $200+ million team salaries don't happen by accident.