Originally posted by Irishman12:
No if they don't win it this year they should resign Sheffield and try to grab Barry Zito off the free-agent market and try again next year.

And getting back to ronnie's question, yes, losing Randy Johnson is a bigger loss to the Yankees than lossing Pedro is to the Mets.
Right, That is why so many people think that the system is so off whack. When does it stop? If they don't make it, then go out and BUY the fix. They have the money.
Other teams don't have the large market or if they don't make it, so the fans don't show. Then the money flow stops so they clear out their big stars because they need to make a profit for their stock holders/owners.

I know, the same old crap from Non die hard Yankee fans.
But, has it ever been fair? Can you really say it has, even going back years and years ago? Or has New York always had this advantage because of the size of its market.
Look at the Mets, They finally sink some money into players and Bam....They are in.

Does more money mean a deeper Bench? Of course it does.
So you can over come injuries, slumps or just plain burnout after a long season? Look how the Yankee can fill spots so quickly with other players or by throwing cash at other teams.
Hell, so you have to pay an extra fee, who cares. We just get it back by filling the seats with the stars.

I know, same old things, BUT many of us feel, that with a roster like this, that they should/have to win the whole thing every year. So it is no big deal if they win the thing. Now, give us a team that pulls it all together without being over star filled and we think that it is a special year and great plays/players like the Cubs and Mets in 69 when they made their run. (or what ever the year was.)

And getting back to Ronnie's question Irish. What, no reason for your answer? A die hard fan like you should be given us all kinds of reasons. I am sure the Mets Fans don't think that way. Looks like Pedro will be out for eight months, but with his age, I would bet he will be out longer. Then will he be over the hill? How big a hole does it leave when they need it most. I think Mets fans are worried right about now.

The Yankees remind me of a rich playboy who droves as fast as he wants. Speeding tickets? who cares I have more then enough money to pay the fines. Wreck the car, I'll buy another one.

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CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!