Your points are valid Geoff. I can see the problem from both sides. To me, I wouldn't vote for a DH because they don't play the field. They don't have to worry about fatigue and getting injuried while playing the field like A-Rod, Jeter, etc. do. I can't image how those guys played days games at the Stadium in 100+ degree weather last month. That sets into a player come the 6th, 7th and 8th innings if they're physically drained.

However, I do also see Ortiz's point. To only be a DH, you have one job, hit the ball. Sounds simple enough but when you are "required" to do it all the time because you are the automatic DH player, it can put a lot of pressure on the hitter (which Ortiz has brushed off time and time again). As I said in my previous post Ortiz is Mr. Clutch (pitchers/teams should realize they SHOULDN'T pitch to him anymore, because how many game winning hits/home runs did he have this season?). Ortiz has done his job extremely well and he has the best power numbers in the AL, but as you also said, he hasn't been instrumental in Boston making the postseason (thus far).