Wow Babe, local NY papers pushing Jeter for MVP. Wow! Will wonders ever cease? :rolleyes:

Anyway, you Yankees fans are silly. If you had an MVP-candidate at DH, you all would be pushing him like insane monkeys during mating season, or the bored chimps at the local zoo when they grab a handful of feces and throw at the tourists.

Again, Jeter is a worthy MVP candidate. I mean why not?

In fact, the reason why I can't support Ortiz for MVP is that the Red Sox are out of the contention for the East, and WC? Very doubtful.

Call me old-fashion, but "Most Valuable Player" to me means a player instrumental in making one's clubhouse be one of only 4 clubs of an entire league to make the playoffs.

In that rationality, Jeter is more worthy of MVP than Ortiz.