Texas? I don't get it. Is it because of Bushie? The fact that sodomy is frowned upon down there? Maybe perhaps that you can only hate the Red Sox for so much until you get bored with it?

Actually, I can understand the deal with your boss. Until I met this one spoiled mick on the internet, I never hated the Yankees. Really, unlike Red Sox fans and other baseball fans that love to piss and moan about the Yankees "buying" titles(yet, they are silent in the rare years when the Yankees tank hard), I thought it was pointless.

Besides, its like the Lakers or the Cowboys. Decades-long dominance of each league from either schrewed General Management, brilliant coaches, Hall of Fame players, or just kicking ass on both Draft Day and on the Free Agent market. Some franchises are lucky, and some are just the CLIPPERS.

Sure I rooted against the Yanks several times over the seasons in the playoffs, but when its my Florida Marlins(like 2003), or certain clubs that I champion at the time(for example, the Angels in 2002 or the Red Sox in 2004), it just happens by coincidence. Hell, I rooted for the fucking Yanks against the one franchise that I actually fucking depised for YEARS, the Atlanta Braves, in both World Series matchups.

But now, this one guy on the internet, just because of his postings, I hate the Yankees, which is really pointless on my behalf. If anything, I'm hoping they lose so that this one "guy" can get pissed. Really, how pathetic. It's like hating the Marlins because of two fans.

Not that you know who that dude is, since he isn't worth naming.

P.S. - REally, the Yanks are going to win the AL East...AGAIN. The new Braves-like division title streak?