Yeah, especially the Yankee fans that me and DJ like to refer to as bitches.

Abreu has always been a pretty fucking solid good ballplayer, but his style of play, some Yanks fans will hate him, especially this nugget that no one has mentioned yet, courtesy of

"Abreu could have exercised his no-trade clause and killed the deal, as his agent said recently that any team expecting to acquire Abreu would have to pick up his $16 million option for 2008 in order for a trade to go through.

However, the Yankees wanted Abreu under the expectation that they would be paying only the $22 million owed on his deal through 2007 and told the Phillies to negotiate any deal required to waive the no-trade clause, ESPN's Buster Olney reported."

$38 million for a player. I'm sure Yanks fans will leave A-Rod alone now, since he only cost $25 million for this year.