Granted - big error. But who let them hit the game-winning homer? Mariano Rivera.

Double-J, sure you're expected to win anywhere you go (whether it be New York, Cleveland, Texas or St. Louis). But I think we both can agree the pressure to succeed (and quickly) in New York is greater than in any other market. As you said yourself, "New York is the biggest stage of them all." Call me cynical or what have you, but as I said before, people know the pressures and expectations of playing in the Big City. Some guys can handle it and some guys cannot. And I know there have been former Yankee players and potential free agents who didn't sign with the Yankees for that very reason, they couldn't handle the pressure. So it's no secret that when the games on the line and you continue to fail, people are going to get on your case after almost 3 years of it. I'm sorry Alex, you knew (or should have known) the situation you were getting into. "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!"
Ugh. He's the friggin' AL MVP. Sure, he faltered in the playoffs - but the team did it in general, especially with our mediocre-at-best pitching staff.

All this pressure stuff, all this "can't take the heat" stuff, its brought on by the unrelenting fans, who refuse to accept that athletes are human, and when they don't perform as such, are chastized, especially in New York. Now, granted, A-Rod is a huge target because of his previous success and his obscene contract, but he's still only one cog in the Yankee machine.