Well, let's see.....

They're 35-26 now, and look like a .500 team.

With about 70 games to go until September, if they continue to play .500 that gets them to about 70-61.

Then what? 21-10 or 22-9 to get them to 91 or 92 wins?

I don't think there are two teams in the West capable of winning 91-92 games (I doubt if there's even one, but somebody's gonna come out of there), and if we give the White Sox the Central crown, then the Yankees are in trouble.

Detroit is 40-23 already, and i don't see any reason why they won't finish with at least 93 wins. All they need to do is go 53-46 the rest of the way, and they look good enough to do that.

So that means the Yankees road to the playoffs involves winning the AL East outright, which I don't think will be easy.

I'm certainly not a Yankee-hater, just an objective realist here, and IMO it's just a matter of time before the wheels fall of this team completely.

I still think it's possible, though, for the Yanks to make the playoffs by winning the East with as few as maybe 88-90 wins, but I certainly don't see them getting very far in the playoffs.

"Difficult....not impossible"