Originally posted by plawrence:
I'm not sure what you said "was to be expected"; If it's the decrease in offensive production that you're talking about, I don't see where you said it.
Alas, while I didn't use those exact words, I did comment on losing Sheffield and Matsui during the Tigers series:

Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:

In any case, the Yankees have more to worry about than yesterday's loss....
Injuries hurt, true. But I think that beating the hottest team in the AL while missing key players shows that players on this team have the ability to step up (Melky Cabrera, Andy Phillips anyone?).

I'm not saying that either of these guys can replace the talent like Sheff or Matsui. But until there is a serious sign that this team can't be competitive without them, I think they made the right move by bringing up prospects (who look like they benefitted from the WBC by playing in the majors during Spring Training) rather than trying to go out and spend on someone like Soriano.

For a team missing big players and not having a A-Rod-ish A-Rod so far this season, they are still only half-a-game behind the Red Sox for first place in the AL East.

Perhaps I'm still idealistic after watching my Sabres nearly make it to the Stanley Cup with patchwork players, but the young players (especially Cabrera) seem to be playing decent, at least well enough so that it doesn't warrant going out and spending on a huge 1-year deal to someone like Soriano or Burnitz or other names you mentioned. [/b][/quote]
Originally posted by plawrence:
And if their pitching is, in fact, better than Boston's - which I think it is - then I still say they better pick up another bat before their offense goes completely south before they worry about getting another starter.

If they were 24-13 with Matsui and Sheffield in the lineup, that tells me that their pitching is good enough to win if their offense is intact.

Since they're 11-13 with the two of them out of the lineup, that tells me that since the pitching staff is basically the same, they need more offense right now, not more pitching.
While that may be true, I don't see who could really replace the level of offensive prowess with the exception of Soriano.

And, for the time being, I'm still going to give these youngsters a chance, as well as for other hitters (namely A-Rod) to start coming on.

Originally posted by plawrence:
I guess it depends on what you consider a "successful" season to be.

If simply making the playoffs qualifies as a success, then sure, the Yanks could do it, even with their weakened lineup.
I think being in the hunt when they make it to September when Matsui (and later, possibly Sheffield) will return to the lineup would be success enough, and with that revitalization could bring a push down the stretch into October.