Originally posted by plawrence:
Well, the Yankees have their excuse now: Injuries.
Which, to be fair, would not be unfair to say.
Originally posted by Irishman12:
So Giambi hurt his left hand; Damon has an elbow ailment to go along with a broken bone in his foot; left fielder Hideki Matsui began a running program on Friday, but may be out for the season with a fractured left wrist; right fielder Gary Sheffield is scheduled to undergo surgery on his injured left wrist on Tuesday, and shortstop Derek Jeter served as designated hitter for the third straight day due to an injured thumb that he doesn't expect will be well enough for him to return to the infield on Sunday.
Originally posted by Double-J:
So what is, pretell (sic), the rest of the AL East's excuse, which is, last time I checked, still trailing the *injured* Yankees?
Looks like those injuries are finally starting to catch up with the Yanks and take their toll in the W-L Column.

After all, a chicken can only run around without its head for so long.

Still a looooooooong way to go, though. Plenty of time to save the season with a deal or two.

"Difficult....not impossible"