Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Of course the Marlins are lousy right now, but yet you yourself still whine about what Pudge did in what now officially is the "past". How then, according to your logic you put forth, aren't you a crybaby that can't get over it as well? Hey don't get mad, its a question.
I'm not getting mad. Here's where I draw the line, what happened was recent news. The game ended 2 minutes before my post. So if you consider that old news, then yes you got me. I wasn't on the ball and couldn't post immediately upon seeing Pudge do it. My fault. However, I also draw the line when a season (or 2 full seasons now) have past since your team won. You don't hear me hollering about the Yankees winning the Series in 1996 do you? And do you know why? It's 10 years ago amigo.

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Besides, true dedicated legion fans of clubs don't get over a bitter defeat in the playoffs quite so easily, like 2003 or the ALCS in 2004. I don't believe you brushing such shit aside, so either you're not a real fan, or you're in denial. I don't which one, so it doesn't affect me. Trust me, you think Braves fans can't stand that the Braves, despite how many consecutive division titles, were only able to win one title during that span? Really, its a pisser.
I am over the defeat in 2003 just like I've over the defeat in 2002 when the Yanks lost to the Angels. I still hate Josh Beckett (so in a sense you could say I haven't COMPLETELY gotten over it). But you harp on that day like it's the blackest in Yankee history. Trust me, the 2001 Series and 2004 ALCS are 2 series that I'm not completely over either and they hurt (at least me) MUCH MUCH MORE than the Marlins fluke win.

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Anyway Irish, you never answered my original question. You say that it can't happen with the Yankees, but pretend for a moment that Gary Sheffield proceeded to do the same act as Pudge did, and of course doing it while wearing a Yankees uniform? Would you slam him for being an overpaid jerk like you did to Pudge, or would you excuse it?

As a man, I assume you would criticize him, possibly quite rightly to do so. Right?
If we could put the shoe on the other foot and it was Gary coming around 3rd base acting like an idiot than yes I would bash him too. I love watching the man play and respect the sh*t out of him. However, he's been in the game long enough where he should be acting like a professional too and that's not the kind of thing I'd like to see a Yankee player doing. Another reason why I hate "K-Rod" (the closer for the Angels) so much. After a strike out, I can understand a fist pump or sometype of satisfied reaction. But to constantly come in, pump your fist as hard as you can, yelling your head off is immaute (I'm sorry but it is). How many times have you seen Mariano do that in the regular season? (Playoffs excluded because the playoffs are a different atmosphere altogether).