The fact that each day is a new day is what made their emotional display after the win to be perfectly understandable and reasonable, and not excessive, IMO.

They forgot all about those first three losses; All that mattered to them was coming back from being down 5-0 to win yesterday.

In any case, the Yankees have more to worry about than yesterday's loss....

Is Sheffield finished for the season? They're talking about trying to rehab his wrist, but if that fails he'll probably need season-ending surgery.

So let's see...that leaves them with Johnny Damon (not 100% hmself), flanked by some combination of Melkey Cabrera, Bernie Williams, Bubba Crosby, Miguel Cairo, Terrence Long, Kevin Thompson, and Kevin Reese.

If Long, who they just acquired, was the best outfielder available basically for nothing, they're gonna have to make some kind of deal for an every day replacement - a guy at least good enough to hit .260-.270 with 20-25 homers or so.

Looking at the rosters and trying to figure out who might be available in a deal for prospects, I came up with Reggie Sanders (KC), Victor Diaz (Mets), Raul Ibanez (Seattle), Jason Lee (Houston), Jeromy Burnitz (Pittsburgh), and Jacque Jones (Cubs).

"Difficult....not impossible"