I was only asking if that was true about Damon so I don't know why you responded like that? Yea Coco got hurt and the Sox are still in first place! He'll be back soon and it will be real interesting to see how well they play. Oh Mike Lowell is hitting the cover off the ball.

If I was a Yankees fan I wouldn't be thinking of getting a guy like Willis or K-Rod. IMO the Yankees need to get healthy and play with what they have. IMO their prospects SUCK! You have Mo and you want to get K-Rod? Why? The quick moves are stupid the Yankees should maybe sit this year out in terms of a trade in the middle of the year. They should let their prospects get better and make a move next year. However this won't happen the Yanks will pick up someone and he'll be good, maybe. The Yankees have to many egos and half of them are living up to the hype. HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM, THE YANKEES ARE IN TROUBLE AND NEED THE ROCKET.-Not gonna happen boyz, keep dreaming.