Originally posted by TonyWillLive:
As for you comments on Schilling, say what you want about his political views your aren't going to find two people anywhere who view everything the same. To say hes overrated is a little premature. He hasn't pitched well since the 130 pitch night in Cleveland i'll give you that. However with all the rain were having in New England right now the Sox lost 2 1/2 games due to weather. I hope and believe this is what Schilling needed to get back on the right path.
I think we all know my hatred for Schilling. I will give the man his due, he's a great pitcher (especially at his age). But that doesn't mean I don't hate him and he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. As for my comments about him, I was being sarcastic. I basically took everything hova4ever9 said and was making fun of it