SC: I agree that the script is wrong - it should be "I want NO inquires made" Even the book talks about making NO inquires.

Sonny: I was wrong in saying the book says Michael shot Fabrizzio. I guess that old poster of Michael with the white hat and lupara stuck in my mind when I wrote that.

Turnbull: Fabrizzio might have been safe in Sicily because he was a protected soldier in some rival family, unless Don Tommasino ruled all of Sicily, which I don't think he did because he feared for Michael's life after Sonny was killed.

On your other point: Perhaps the gunman that hit Fabrizzio in the book could have realistically uttered the message from Michael if 1) it was a special personal mission for Michael - i.e. Neri; or 2) a guy like Willie Cicci could have gotten the message via a buffer. After all, buttons like Cicci must know they are working for Michael, but they have no direct evidence to ever implicate him. I can think of some illogical things in the film, but rarely if ever, in Puzo's book.

"A refusal is not the act of a friend"