You guys don't think I appreciate what Damon did?? Are you kidding me when did I say that? My problem with Damon is hes a hipocrite. In Spring Training '05 he is quoted as saying he wouldn't go to the Yankees, he said the Yankees would come at him hard but that it wouldn't matter.
You guys probably didn't know that did you? Its ok though we all make mistakes. I'll love Damon as a Red Sox 6 RBI's in game 7 in '04 it was unbelievable.
As for the management I like the price they set on Damon. He got the same offer as Jason Varitek did 4 for $40 mil. So I don't think they relayed to Damon that they didn't care. The Yankees were hell bent on overpaying for Damon. I understand exactly why they did it, I have no animosity towards the Yankees in signing Damon they needed a leadoff hitter and they got it. I like the Sox picking up Coco to replace Damon.
So don't give me that "Boston Sour grapes" bullshit cause thats a tired act. I simply don't like Damon because he is on the YANKEES, the Yankee fans would feel the same way if a guy like...well i'm not gonna guess. Lets say for argument sake Bernie Williams. I say him because the Red Sox went after him real hard that year his contract was up I think in '99 or '00.