Please. The season isn't even two weeks old, and the speculation is rampant that the Yankees rotation isn't going to last. There is plenty of time to acquire another solid pitcher down the line, and Clemens also is still shopping his wares on the market (despite what he says).

I personally think you are wrong about Chacon. He's got great stuff, his only issue is control. Wang is also another great sinkerball pitcher. Small went 10-0 last year totally unexpectedly.

I don't think anybody is claiming that our rotation wasn't patchwork, but each of those guys you mentioned has materialized in their own right to be starting pitchers, and to claim they aren't even #5 starters isn't doing them justice.

Besides, if I were you (being a Red Sox fan), I'd be more worried about beating the Blue Jays for the Wild Card than what is going on with the Yankees pitching staff.