Originally posted by Irishman12:
I'm not pushing the panic button, but I was getting pissed that they dropped so many games early. True the key words there are early but still....
No, the key words are "dropped so many"

Early or late, it makes no difference.

So far the Yankees have one three games in which they've scored a total of 34 runs, and lost four in which they've been outscored 20-10.

If they can't win when scoring 3-5 runs, or if they can't score enugh every day to win a few close ones when their pitching is good enough to hold the other team to 4-5 runs, then they're in for a long season because they're not gonna score 9+ in three out of every seven games, and they're not gonna hold the other time to 4 or less in five out of every seven games.

Their record is 3-4, yet they've outscored the opposition by 45-30.

I see a pattern here which, if it continues, is not a good one.

Talk to me when they start winning 60% of those 3-2 and 4-3 games, which so far they haven't been able to do.

I'm not a yankee-hater, BTW....I'm just trying to realistically assess their chances.

They're a team with two reliable starters and one terrific closer.

You can have all the hitting in the world, and that still won't be enough if that's all you have pitching-wise.

You don't get extra credit for winning 10-1 or 15-2.

"Difficult....not impossible"