We don't need any more $10 million dollar prima donnas. Where would we put him? Would you really be willing to pay a DH $10 million dollars?

Bernie made $12+ million last year as an active CF, and has taken a "significant pay cut" to be the everyday DH and the backup CF. He understands his role.

Soriano, on the other hand, has a huge contract, and is unwilling to play other positions (ala Knoblauch, A-Rod) to help the team. Besides, I still think Damon, Sheffield and Matsui are better than Soriano in the OF. While he may be warming up to the position (out of necessity, I doubt he'd like to be suspended and not collect his $10 million), we all know how putting infielder Tony Womack in the outfield worked out last year...

I am very happy the way our trade worked out...we got A-Rod, one of the best fielders and hitters of all-time, and got rid of a great player who has become a Terrell Owens of the MLB and has had more errors than anybody the last few years. I would not like to see him back on the Yankees, unless something drastically changes the way our defense lines up this year.