Originally posted by Irishman12:
Check out their stats for last year:

Stat comparisons are often meaningless, or relatively so, unless evealuated in the context of the offense that the player was in, his positionin the batting order, and the park in which he plays.

Damon batted leadoff (with Ortiz & Ramirez hitting after him) rather than third in a much better offense and in an easier park for hitters.

Switch their teams, put Damon up 3rd for the Mets and Beltran leading off for the Sox, and see what happens stats-wise.

All things being equal, if I were the Yankees, I'd much rather have Beltran. It's not even close.
Originally posted by Double-J:
If I were managing the Yanks, this is what my rotation would look like:


Pavano and Wright, until they prove themselves, would be spot starters.
Problem is, you have to consider a player's experience in the role he's being asked to fill, and his value in that role.

Pavano & Wright have virutally no experience as relievers, so you have to question their effectiveness coming out of the bullpen.

Small, on the other hand, has proven himself in middle relief, an area that the Yanks are weak in.

And, their contracts do factor in to it as well.
Originally posted by Double-J:
I think Sturtze is a great pitcher.....
Let's not get carried away here....

He's proven that he can be a useful pitcher, I think, but to call him "great" is quite a stretch, don't you think?

"Difficult....not impossible"