I'm saying the Yankees shot themselves in the foot because they needed a defensive-minded center fielder with a good arm. Damon has neither - he is at best a mediocre fielder (watch the 2003 ALCS) and his arm is wholly suspect. Not only that, but the Yankees should be trying to get younger, look at Cano and Wang. In hindsight, I'm saying that we should've went after Beltran, I think, from a longevity standpoint.

As far as Clemens is concerned, he can eat shit. The way he left the Yankees, I don't even want him back as a rent-a-player. Pettitte I respect because he's a deeply religious man and wanted to be close to his family. But Rocket dicked around the Yankees with "I'm retiring...I'm coming back to NY" and he's doing the same thing with the Ass-tros this year with his WBC participation and his talk of how he'd love to return to NY, and how he has been meeting with the Boston admins.

Fuck Roger Clemens, at least from a Yankee fans perspective. I'd take Pettitte back in a heartbeat, but Clemens can rot, as far as I'm concerned.