ronnie, as I told you (and I'm not lying) that the 03 Series doesn't bother me anymore. It did until the 2004 playoffs and as you pointed out the whole boston "winning" thing. That's fueled my anger now this past year+ or so. The whole Marlines episode of 03 and the Angels episode of 02 I'm over. However, that still doesn't mean that I have warm, fuzzy feeling for Josh Beckett. I still hate him and even more so now that he's with boston

And I don't remember where I said that boston beating us doesn't bother me. In fact, it still haunts me to this day. But not the Marlins. I got some satisfaction when they haven't made the playoffs I believe the past 2 years.

As for Clemens, as I said, it didn't happen to you and I didn't figure you could relate. However, you still never answered my question. Would you or DA do backflips if the D-Train "retired" and than a couple of weeks later come out and played for the Yanks, a team that you really loathe? As for your other comments, there's no need for name calling. We have enough of that in the General Discussion area and thought you were more mature to argue in a more civilized manner.