 	     MC Predicts	Actual			
	        W    L	%	W	L	%
Randy Johnson	9    8	0.529	17	8	0.680
Mike Mussina	14   7	0.667	13	8	0.619
Kevin Brown	1    3	0.250	4	7	0.364
Carl Pavano	16   10	0.615	4	6	0.400
Jaret Wright	10   11	0.476	5	5	0.500
Total	        50   39	0.562	43	34	0.558
Bullpen/Others	32   41		52	33	
Totals	        82   80		95	67	
Well here is the year end against my prediciton. Thank God for the Yankee "others". There were 27 pitchers on their roster this year. The pitchers they started the year with who were listed as "Starters" ended up with 77 game decisions, I predicted 89. I wonder how the other teams fair. Pavano and Wright were huge busts. Brown lasted longer than I thought. The Unit surprised me. I really thought he would have broken down.

My other predictions didn't pan out, but that was on purpose because I can't predict shit, which is why I don't gamble.

 82-80, miss playoffs									

Joe Torre fired at the All Star break when the team is under .500									

...oh yeah Bosox finish behind the Yankees at 79-83. Some Florida team wins the division, Orioles 2nd. 

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12