Here are a few stats that tell the tale of the Yankee season to date. (It ain't pretty Irish) These stats show the ranking in all Major League - 30 teams.

Batting Average - 5
Home Runs - 2
Runs - 3
Walks - 2
Slugging Pct. - 5
On Base Pct. - 2
Stolen Bases - 22

Stolen Bases Allowed - 1 (101, St. Louis is best with 24)
Errors - 16
Fielding Pct. - 16
Defense Efficiency Rating - 25

ERA - 22
Hits Given Up - 7
Runs Given Up - 8
Walks Given Up - 27 (that's good, if no one was getting hits)
Strike Outs - 15

The stats back up what we know. They can hit and score runs. Their fielding is poor. Posada should go (101 SBs).
Pitching is poor - 22nd in ERA. In a nutshell, the hitting can't offset the other two. They can only hope that they can out-slug their opponent. They sure can't out-pitch them.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12