It's not all Gordon's fault. Guerrero is insane at the plate, like Yogi Berra, he hits even "bad" pitches out of the zone. Besides, they brought him in an already bad situation courtesy of Proctor and Groom. We might not have been so screwed if Johnson had pitched longer, but supposedly he had an injury. Dunno if it was from falling in the dugout or when he slipped on his right foot.

And Giambi's two home runs were great, but that battle with K-Rod ended up screwing us. He swung at the shittiest pitch of the whole at-bat, and struck out. I mean, c'mon, I don't care how many home runs you get, you've gotta hit in the clutch. Jorge's hit also was a dud. A-Rod did a great job, if he could've went 5 more feet it would've been a homerun. And considering he was previously 0-8 against K-Rod, it was damn good.

Oh well. Let's hope Leiter stays hot from his last start and can get us a win tonight.