Mmm, Bernie can hit, absolutely. But I think what they talked about on Mike and the Mad Dog this afternoon is right - if he wants to stick around on the roster next year, he should take a serious paycut ala Paul O'Neill, and relegate himself to being a situational DH and a bench player. He just doesn't have the wheels or field judgement anymore to warrant a starting job, except at DH. And I love the guy, he is one of the best clutch hitters we have on the rosters.

I hope our order beats the shite out of Kenny Rogers. He basically proved his apology was crap when he mouthed off to the cameraman while he was being booked. As Jay Mariotti said, he's either dumb as a bag of rocks, or too arrogant for his own good. And Woody Paige railed him today, a tirade on "Around the Horn" which was absolutely nuts, but probably true.

Go Yanks!!!