 	     MC Predicts	5/16/2005
	        W	L	W	L
Randy Johnson	9	8	4	2
Mike Mussina	14	7	4	2
Kevin Brown	1	3	2	4
Carl Pavano	16	10	2	2
Jaret Wright	10	11	2	2
	        50	39	14	12
Bullpen/Others	32	41	6	7
Totals	        82	80	20	19
My predictions are tracking nicely. KB exceeded the one win, but that's OK, he tacked on an extra loss.

- Bernie's 11th career slam last night (BTW, Jeter has zero)
- Tino, AL MVP of the week
- Giambi gets a free beer in Oakland

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12