If you think the Yankees are a good team this year and just need one more top quality starter to get them over the hump, then Clemens could make the difference.

Unfortunately, though, I think the problem is gonna prove to be just as much on offense as on the mound.

They'll be looking around for a leftfielder or centerfielder that they can rent - someone like Arizona's Luis Gonzalez if the D'backs fall out of the race.

And it looks like not going after Beltran this past off-season was a mistake -- I mean how much worse are the Mets than the Yanks now?

         Yanks         Mets
 C       Posada        Piazza         Slight edge Yanks
1B       Tino/Giambi   Mientkiewicz   Slight edge Mets
2B       Cano          Matsui         Who knows? Edge Mets, I guess
3B       A Rod         Wright         Edge to Yanks now, but in 5 years?
SS       Jeter         Reyes          See A Rod/Wright comment
LF       Womack        Floyd          Edge Mets
CF       Matsui        Beltran        Edge Mets
RF       Sheffield     Cameron        Edge Yanks
SP       Johnson       Martinez       Too close to call
SP       Mussina       Glavine        Edge Yanks
SP       Pavano        Benson         Edge Yanks, maybe 
SP       Brown         Zambrano       Who knows?
SP       Wang          Iishi          Who knows?
Closer   Rivera        Looper         Big edge Yanks
Actually, Cameron would be a great fit for the Yankees. I think the Mets would like Victor Diaz to play every day, and a Matsui-Cameron-Sheffield outfield would be a good one for the Yanks.

And I know what you Yankee fans are thinking about a David Wright-A Rod comparison, but would anyone be really shcked if they both finished around .300 with 30-35 homers and 100-110 RBIs?

"Difficult....not impossible"