     	MC Predicts	4/17/2005	
		W	L	W       L
Randy Johnson	9	8	1	0
Mike Mussina	14	7	0	1
Kevin Brown	1	3	0	1
Carl Pavano	16	10	0	2
Jaret Wright	10	11	1	1
		50	39	2       5
Bullpen/Others	32	41	2	3
Totals		82	80	4       8
This was my prediction on 3/31/05 in the "Yankees" thread; let's see how I do.

82-80, miss playoffs

Joe Torre fired at the All Star break when the team is under .500

...oh yeah Bosox finishes behind the Yankees at 79-83. Some Florida team wins the division, Orioles 2nd.

Johnson 9-8 (misses 15 starts)
Mussina 14-7 (misses 10 starts)
Kevin Brown 1-3 (herniated disc; out for the season)
Carl Pavano 16-10
Jaret Wright (10-11) (misses 7 starts)

Bullpen and other starters (32 wins)

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12