Originally posted by Irishman12:
But as for the NBA playoffs, the first round should have stayed at 5 games instead of 7 games. It takes 2 or more weeks just to get out of the first round. It's all about money and I'm f*cking sick of it! [/QB]
Right! There is no reason to have four 7 game rounds. You could knock out a best-of-5 series in 8 days, including travel. Worst is when there are 3 days off and the games in between are played in the same frigging city.

The other thing I hate about the NFL is the hype and "concert" before the season opener. I like the fact that they open on Thur now, but I don't need to see 60 year old Steven Tyler singing "Dream On" b/c it has absolutely nothing to do with football.